What is REfresh?REfresh is a free online user conference for Breeze and Breeze Premier clients in the U.S. and Canada. The two-day event will include in-depth learning, live interactions with experts and networking opportunities.
When is the next REfresh?
Join us April 23-24 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET to enjoy 100+ online sessions and live chat with Breeze Premier experts.
Do I need to register for REfresh?
No! We do it for you. Breeze and Breeze Premier users are automatically registered.
How do I attend REfresh?
To join the conference, simply log in to Breeze Premier on the conference dates and click on the REfresh banner at the top.
Is this event free?
Yes! REfresh is free for all Breeze and Breeze Premier clients.
How long will the class materials and videos be available?
The class materials and videos, along with live chat support, will be available during the event. Select class recordings will be posted in the Breeze Premier Help Centres after the live event.